Career Development Packages

Specialized Assessments for Personal & Professional Growth

Each package includes:

1. Strong Interest Inventory:

Explore career paths aligned to your unique interest profile, values and motivations (available for college-age students and individuals of any age already in the workforce)

Sample Report

2. Motivators Assessment:

Discover what drives you to unlock ultimate performance or navigate career change.

Sample Report

3. DiSC Assessment:

Measures personality traits that help to understand behaviour in the workplace. Improve teamwork, communication and productivity.

Sample Report

4. Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) Assessment:

Understand and manage your emotional world and enhance your relationships at work and at home.

Sample Report

Combo Packages

All prices are subject to Canadian federal and provincial (Qc) sales tax (14.975%).

Energetic Guidance to Enhance Self-Awareness & Understand Your Soul’s Journey

Tap into your unique energetic signature with my intuitive readings and sessions using astrology, Human Design and more! Please note that you will need to provide your date, time and location of birth for accurate results.

Includes a 15-minute consultation, natal chart image, full personality profile, and recorded analysis of your energetic signature based on your personal planets and rising sign.

Includes a 30-minute consultation, natal chart image, full personality profile, recorded analysis of your energetic signature based on your personal planets and rising sign, and a 60-minute follow-up coaching session.

All prices are subject to Canadian federal and provincial (Qc) sales tax (14.975%).